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OEG Offshore, a leading offshore solutions business, is delighted to announce that its Aberdeen staff members have successfully raised thousands of pounds for local charities through a range of fundraising initiatives.

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OEG’s Cairnrobin team pictured with Roxie Davidson, Fundraising Manager from Friends of ANCHOR.

The enthusiastic Aberdeen teams donated money to participate in games and a charity raffle at an annual end of season employee event. OEG generously match-funded the money raised, resulting in each charity receiving a substantial donation of £1,500.

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Shauni Malone, OEG’s Events Coordinator presenting a cheque to Maisie Mann, Regional Fundraising Officer from The Archie Foundation.

Donation cheques have been presented to the selected charities, including The Archie Foundation, The Community Collective in Stonehaven, and Friends of ANCHOR. In addition, OEG has donated a further £1,500 to the Russell Anderson Foundation.

Clive Hoskisson, OEG Offshore UK’s Managing Director comments, “We are committed to supporting local community causes where we can have a positive impact and achieve real results and change.”
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OEG’s Bridge of Don team with Julie Gray from The Community Collective in Stonehaven.

OEG Offshore expresses its gratitude to all those who contributed and participated, emphasising the importance of supporting and giving back to the local community, especially during challenging economic times.