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The OEG Group (OEG) has built a trustworthy and highly credible reputation as a leader in the provision of equipment and services to the global energy industry. In pursuing legitimate business opportunities, OEG vigorously maintains a commitment to comply with the antitrust and competition laws of all countries which are applicable to the business.

Our reputation, credibility and business ethics are of great importance and are the result of years of hard work by our employees. OEG has adopted a zero-tolerance approach towards any breaches of this Competition Compliance Policy, an approach which is fully supported by the OEG Executive Board.

OEG is committed to ensuring that all of its activities are conducted in accordance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements and the highest standards of ethical business conduct. It is the responsibility of all OEG employees to ensure that OEG’s businesses do not engage in practices which infringe legal or regulatory requirements or which fall below the highest standards of ethical business conduct.

Competition law is designed to ensure that companies compete fairly with each other and that there is ‘a level playing field’ and transparency. Failure to comply with competition law can have serious implications for a business, including large fines. Certain serious breaches of competition law may also expose an individual to the risk of criminal prosecution.

OEG's Competition Law Compliance Policy applies to all entities and businesses within OEG and each business entity will seek to adopt and promote practices that are consistent with the principles set out in the policy. Within OEG, the responsibility to reduce the risk of anti-competitive conduct resides at all levels of the organisation.

To request a copy of OEG's Competition Compliance Policy, Employee Code of Conduct, Supplier Code of Ethics or Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy please email: